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MQTT operating protocol

MQTT is the primary mean of communication between LinTO clients and the server platform. Clients publish requests and the server platform dictates behaviors using dedicated topics.


The documentation is partial. There's more MQTT protocol actions used by the LinTO-Web-Client. You can easily discover it in the LinTo-Web-Client source-code

client-server communication.

Following a succesful HTTP authentication, the Android or Web LinTO client switches to MQTT protocol.


A Raspberry LinTO client directly connect to the MQTT server using correct MQTT broker credentials and a specific serial number that needs to be created and associated to a "Device Application" wihin LinTO-Admin Web UI

Broker connexion.

For the client to connect to the broker it needs the MQTT connexion informations.

Those informations can be obtain two different ways:

  • The client is configured to connect to the broker directly.
  • The client fetches these informations using authentication protocol.

On both case the client comes to have the following informations:

  • MQTT broker ip and port.
  • MQTT broker login and password.
  • A session_id or a serial_number. A session_id is generated for non-static client during the authentication step. The serial number is a unique id attached to a static device and registered on the server platform.
  • An applicative scope.

The non-static clients have an additionnal security information : auth_token.

With those infomations the client is able to connect to the MQTT broker and subscribe to the dedicated topics.

There is two topics attached to a client:

  • An egress topic where the client send requests and informations. The topic is scope/fromlinto/session_id|serial_number.
  • And ingress topic on which the server can send responses and behaviors: scope/tolinto/session_id|serial_number.

Client --> Server communication.

Client --> server communication are the messages coming from the device addressed to the server platform using the egress topic.


Status is a message that give the server platform a connexion state.

Topic: egressTopic/status

Retain: false


"connexion" : "online",
"on" : "datetime",
"config" : {
"network" : [
"mac_address" : "",
"gateway_ip" : "",
"type" : "wifi|eth",
"ip_address" : "",
"name" : ""
"firmware" : "FIRMWARE_VERSION"

The offline status is published using LWT (Last Will Testament) on the same topic to ensure that a disconnecting device always update its status.

"connexion" : "offline",
"on" : "datetime",
"config" : {
"network" : [
"mac_address" : "",
"gateway_ip" : "",
"type" : "wifi|eth",
"ip_address" : "",
"name" : ""
"firmware" : "FIRMWARE_VERSION"


Request is the main message sent by the client. It consist in sending an audio voice request to the server.

Topic: egressTopic/nlp/file/id

The id field is a unique id associated with the audio file.

Retain: false


"audio" : "", // the audiofile base64-encoded
"conversationData" : {}, // Conversation data, empty for client initiated request.
"auth_token" : "" // Optional, authentication token for any application


Streaming is a way to send an audio flux to stt server for live transcription.


Start a WS connection to the STT server

Topic: egressTopic/streaming/start`


"config": {


Send a chunk to transcribe after a WS connection

Topic: egressTopic/streaming/chunk`

content: The mqtt message contains a binary payload of the 16bits encoded raw audio signal.


Close the WS connection with the STT server to stop the live transcription

Topic: egressTopic/streaming/stop`


Sending a text request to the server.

Topic: egressTopic/chatbot/id


"text" : "", // the text for the chatbot
"conversationData" : {}, // Conversation data, empty for client initiated request.

Server --> Client communication.

Server to client messages provide request answers and communicate behaviors for the client device. Available behaviors depends on the client device. As for now, there are two available devices: LinTO Maker on RPi and LinTO Android.

NameDescriptionAvailable on
BehaviorRequest response
End VolumeRemotely set the default volume
Manage MeetingManage meeting
MuteRemotely mute the device
PingPing the device
Reverse SSHStart reverse SSH
SayTell the device to say a sentence
ShellExecExecute a shell command
TTS languageSet the embedded tts language
UnmuteRemotely unmute the device
VolumeRemotely set the volume


Server answer to a client request. The server specify the device behavior. It may be a single response (say or/and display) or the server might need additionnal information (ask). For the *ask* behavior, conversation data are attached to the request and shall be returned with the following device answer.

Available on:

Topic: ingressTopic/nlp/file

Retain: false


"behavior" : {
"say" : {
"phonetic" : "phonetic text", // Text formated for a TTS engine.
"text" : "text" // Base text.
// OR
"ask" : { // Asking information and expecting a response.
"phonetic" : "phonetic text", // Text formated for a TTS engine.
"text" : "text" // Base text.
// OR / AND
"display" : {
"type" : "URL", // DOCSTRING or URL
"content" : "string" // HTML string or URL
"audio" : "rawFile", // TTS audio file
"conversationData" : {}, // Conversation data attached to the current conversation
// If authentification Error
"error" : {
"message" : "text",
"code": 400

End Volume

Remotely set the device default volume.

Available on:

Topic: ingressTopic/endvolume

Retain: false


"value" : [0-100]

Manage Meeting

Manage the meeting mode on the device. Expect a command name as parameter.

Available on:

Topic: ingressTopic/managemeeting

Retain: false


"command" : "[ startlocalrecording | stoplocalrecording ]",
"sessionname" : "session name"

Response Topic: egressTopic/muteack

Response Content:



Remote mute the device. Expect an acknowledgement.

Available on:

Topic: ingressTopic/mute

Retain: false



Response Topic: egressTopic/muteack

Response Content:



Available on:

Topic: ingressTopic/ping




Response Topic: egressTopic/pong

Response Content:



Open a remote-SSH to remotly access the device.

Available on:

Topic: ingressTopic/startreversessh

Retain: false


"remoteHost" : "remote-host",
"remoteSSHPort" : "remote-port",
"mySSHPort" : "local port",
"remoteUser" : "remoteuser",
"privateKey": "private Key"

Response Topic: egressTopic/startreversessh

Response Content:

"reversesshstatus" : "[ok | <error message>]"


The server ask the device to say a given text. It is an alternate way to execute the behavior say on Raspberry.

Available on: *Requires a TTS engine.

Topic: ingressTopic/say

Retain: false


"transaction_id" : "transaction_id", // Transation ID
"value" : "Hello, I'm LinTO ! " // Text to be spoken

Shell Exec

Remotly execute a shell command on the device.

Available on:

Topic: ingressTopic/shellexec



"cmd" : "command to be executed"

Response Topic: egressTopic/shellexec

Response Content:

"stdout" : "<command output>",
"stderr" : "<command error output>",
// OR
"status" : "<error>

TTS Language

Remotly change the device embeded Text-To-Speech language. Language must be supported by the embedded TTS engine.

Available on: *Requires a TTS engine.

Topic: ingressTopic/tts_lang

Retain: false


"value" : "language"


Remote unmute the device. Expect an acknowledgement.

Available on:

Topic: ingressTopic/unmute

Retain: false



Response Topic: egressTopic/unmuteack

Response Content:



Remotely set the device volume.

Available on:

Topic: ingressTopic/volume



"value" : [0-100]